Christian Education
The Christian Education Ministry helps believers grow in their faith, identify their spiritual gifts and disciple them into becoming mature members in the Body of Christ by equipping them with foundational truths and Christian doctrine. As members of our New Dimension Apostolic Center family, we want to equip you with the knowledge and tools you’ll need as you embark upon your spiritual journey to Christian maturity.
new members CLASS
NDAC welcomes you to the family of God through our local church. We want you to feel “at home”. We believe in demonstrating the love of God to all people through our ministry and outreach efforts.
Come learn more about who we are (core values, doctrine, vision, and our history) by registering for our New Members Class held every 1st Sunday of the month. Please check the church calendar for dates and times. Registration forms are available at The Bridge. We look forward to serving in ministry with you!
The CORE Class is NDAC’s foundational course and is a requirement to participate in all ministries. Additionally, the CORE Class is designed to be an entry-level course that covers basic tenets of the Christian faith including:
⍆ Who is JESUS?
⍆ What did JESUS teach?
⍆ Who is the Holy Spirit?
⍆ Why is studying the WORD of GOD important?
For mature believers who are new members to the NDAC family, we still require completion of the CORE class as a prerequisite to becoming involved in ministry so that everyone is aligned and serving with the same mission of REACHING the lost with the good news of salvation; REVIVING our hearts to reconnect with our LORD and Savior; and REFORMING our spheres of influence by walking in our destinies.
The SHAPE class is an intermediate level course designed to teach believers how to grow in their faith walk with Christ by discovering their unique spiritual gifts to serve in ministry. The SHAPE acronym stands for:
⍆ S – Spiritual Gifts
⍆ H – Heart
⍆ A – Abilities
⍆ P – Personality
⍆ E – Experiences
The SHAPE Course helps believers understand who they are created to be through the eyes of Christ (e.g. Who am I?); answers the question why they were born “for such a time as this” (e.g. Why am I here?); deconstructs the purpose of ministry (e.g. What is ministry and why does it matter?); and helps believers discover their own God-breathed and God-given talents and gifts (e.g. How do I identify my spiritual gifts?).
saturday seminars
The Saturday Seminars are open to everyone but are designed for the spiritually mature believer. These seminars will cover advanced ABC’s of the faith, and on occasion may require outside reading of selected textbooks. The format for Saturday sessions will be a guided discussion that will upack the material in a manner that will offer tools of wisdom for the believer’s spiritual toolbox. Suggested topics include:
⍆ The Alabaster Jar: An Expensive Kind of Love
(Context: Love and Sacrifice)
⍆ Life Interrupted: When God’s Plans are not Your Plans
(Context: Cooperating with the Plan of God for our Lives)
⍆ Faithful Finances: Learn how to Trust God with your Money
(Context: Spiritual Maturity and Money Management)
⍆ The Unfettered Faithfulness of God…And How We Can be Just Like Him
(Context: The Character of Christ)
⍆ And More!